Implementing Producer and Consumer in Java

The code to implement a Producer and Consumer in Java is mentioned below, courtesy :

import java.util.*;

// We would like to synchronize producer and consumer so that
// producer puts a number in the buffer, then the consumer takes it
// out, then the producer puts another number, and so on.

// This solution provides the right behaviour
// We have changed the class Buffer to include wait() and notify()
// We also have changed the producer and cinsumer classes
// slightly to handle a new exception

public class ConsumerProducerGood {

  public static void main (String [] args) {
    Buffer buf = new Buffer();
    // create new threads
    Thread prod = new Producer(10, buf);
    Thread cons = new Consumer(10, buf);
    // starting threads
    // Wait for the threads to finish
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {return;}

class Buffer {
          private int contents;
          private boolean empty = true;
          public synchronized void put (int i) throws InterruptedException { 
              while (empty == false) {     //wait till the buffer becomes empty
                  try { wait(); }
                  catch (InterruptedException e) {throw e;}
              contents = i;
              empty = false;
              System.out.println("Producer: put..." + i);
          public synchronized int get () throws InterruptedException {
              while (empty == true)  {    //wait till something appears in the buffer
                  try {     wait(); }
                  catch (InterruptedException e) {throw e;}
              empty = true;
              int val = contents;
              System.out.println("Consumer: got..." + val);
              return val;

public class Producer extends Thread {
      private int n;
      private Buffer prodBuf;
      public Producer (int m, Buffer buf) {
          n = m;
          prodBuf = buf;
    public void run() {
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            try {
                Thread.sleep( (int) Math.random() * 100); // sleep for a randomly chosen time
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {return;}
            try {
                prodBuf.put(i + 1); //starting from 1, not 0
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {return;}

public class Consumer extends Thread {
      private int n;
      private Buffer consBuf;
      public Consumer (int m, Buffer buf) {
          n = m;
          consBuf = buf;
    public void run() {
        int value;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            try {
                value = consBuf.get();
            }  catch (InterruptedException e) {return;}
            try {
                Thread.sleep( (int) Math.random() * 100); // sleep for a randomly chosen time
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {return;}

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